Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The difference between fashion and style

Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess

 It is truly unique when you see that one girl who is so different, the one who you just have to walk up to and  ask her about her skirt, shirt, bag, etc. I don’ t see that girl nearly as often as I would like. Be that girl. Anyone can be “in fashion” all one has to do is follow the herd and abide by the rules of the season.But style is personal.
There is no herd to follow. There are no rules. There are no seasons.

 Style comes from within. If there is anything absolute about style, it is that it holds you accountable to yourself at every moment. You have to be confident with who you are on the inside before you can ever fully be comfortable presenting yourself to the outside world. And how you present yourself to the world is important. It is inherently related to your sense of self. Every time you dress you assert some aspect of yourself and your identity. With style, you tell the world who you are, or opportunities
at least the story of who you would like to be on that particular day.

Style affords you . It opens doors and allows you the chance to showcase a facet of yourself in an obvious and inimitable way.

A stylish woman makes you want to walk up to her and say “Where did you get that?” It is not in any magazine or on any runway you have seen, and you just have to find out where it is from. A flea market, her grandmother’s closet, wherever. you just know that you have not seen it before, which is the most intriguing thing in the world. All of the great style icons achieved this aura of intrigue. They were the first to step on the scene with clothes and accessories that left the rest of the world asking, “Where did she get that?’ Because style icons never follow the leader, they never abide by rules.

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