Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The true meaning of beauty

 Nothing makes a woman more beautiful than the belief that she is beautiful.

 When a beautiful woman walks into a room, you may glance up for a moment, but you soon return to my conversation or the dessert menu.
Let’ s be honest: beauty i s not all that interesting (and certainly not more interesting than the dessert menu). But when a confident woman walks into a room, it is entrancing. You’ll watch as she moves with poise and self-possession. She i s not usually the one in the plain black dress. She is the one in the interesting shirt and the vintage skirt, and I immediately want to know where she got them. And she may not be the most stunningly gorgeous woman.
You’ve ever seen, but she has a way about her that can make her one of the most intriguing. Confidence is captivating, it is powerful, and it does  not fade—and that is endlessly more interesting than beauty.
The first and most important step to developing style is to project this kind of confidence. The kind of confi dence that tells others that you respect yourself, love yourself, and dress up for yourself and nobody else. You are your own muse. Style comes from knowing who you are and who you want to be i n the world; it does not come from wanting to be somebody else, or wanting to be thinner, shorter, taller, prettier.
Many of the most stylish women in the world have not been great beauties, but they have all drawn from an enormous amount of self-confidence. They made us think they were beautiful simply by believing it themselves. They did not let anyone else define them; they defined themselves.
You truly admire women who love themselves, even if they are not the standard beauty norm.You are fascinated by the “imperfect icons,” the girl who are by far not the most beautiful girls in the room, but they are confident and think they’ re beautiful, so others think they are. You marvel at a six-foot-tall woman in stilettos, a big-bottomed woman in a curve-hugging skirt, a flat-chested woman in a tight, low cut T-shirt. When a woman embraces her “imperfections,” they can become her greatest strengths, definers of her character and spirit. When she plays up her weaknesses and draws you to her flaws, she makes them special, attractive, and even enviable.
Confidence has nothing to do with aesthetics and everything to do with attitude. Nothing suits a woman better than this air of self assurance,and when she truly owns that, she is unyielding and stunning. Confidence is the one thing that can instantly turn the volume up on a woman’ s beauty.
When it comes to style and confidence, you have to learn to move with it, which can be daunting.
 We all have our insecurities. But you just know when you are in the company of a confident woman. Even (or especially) i n the face of imperfections, her air is striking. Her beauty is fueled from something inside her. It’ s not that she doesn’t care about her looks; on the contrary, she is so comfortable with who she is that she even embraces her quirks and flaws.

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